Articulating true value in the face of competitive exaggeration.
The Brief
Navtech Radar are market leaders in radar detection solutions for the most challenging situations. Existing customers rate them highly but their market awareness was low in comparison to their competitors who were ‘out-marketing’ them with overstated offers and undercutting.
The Approach
Keen to stay true to themselves and not be drawn into hyperbole, Navtech Radar wanted a clear messaging tool-kit with which they could clearly and consistently articulate their true value in the face of competitive exaggeration.
Stakeholders would immediately know who Navtech Radar are, what they stand for and, ultimately, that they can trust them to deliver.
The key to delivering the differentiated positioning was through substantiated market insight. Desk research looking at the customer and competitor markets was augmented by in-depth interviews with key customers and internal employees.
Getting to the nub of Navtech Radar’s position using creative stimulus built on insight meant that consensus formed faster creating a unified approach for Navtech Radar and two of it’s core market offerings: highways and security.
The Results
With Navtech Radar, safety is everything. The strapline is wrapped around the central position and value propositions for the corporate messaging.
+44 (0) 1173 700 092
5 Park Street Avenue
Bristol BS1 5LQ
+1 (281) 939 2288
2700 Post Oak Blvd
21st Floor Houston,
TX 77056, USA